Posts about Real Estate News (6)

Will Rates Slow Market?

While the November interest rate rise may slow Australia’s property market rebound, its unlikely to...

Unit Rents Soar

Apartment rents are tipped to soar in Australia, with new analysis showing the five Australian...

Loan Discounts Disappear

Cashback offers, significantly reduced interest rates and many of the other incentives bankswere...

Granny Flats The Solution

Fast-tracking approvals for Granny Flats could go a long way towards improving the housingshortage....

New Price Highs Ahead

Economists are now predicting Australian house prices will reach new heights in November.National...

Rentals Hit Decade Low

The number of properties within the national rental pool hit a decade low, with just 90,153,rental...

FHB Take Govt Help

The number of first home buyers (FHB) accessing the Federal Government’s HomeGuarantee Scheme hit...

Massive Auction Surge

More sellers are choosing to take their properties to auction, with September recording thehighest...